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Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can be very useful for working with checklist without having to switch between the mouse and keyboard. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for checklist:
  • Up/ Down arrows - move from one task to the other
  • Tab/ Shift-tab - moving into/ out of a sub-task
  • Delete - delete a task (and any sub-tasks of it)
  • + - add a new task (focuses the cursor on the add task textbox
  • Space - toggle the task complete/ open status
  • Right/ Left arrows - makes a task into a sub-task or takes it out of a sub-task
  • i - toggle task importance
We recommend you try to play around with the tutorial checklist and get used to working with these shortcuts which will make you more efficient.

If you would like to see any additional shortcuts, please add it as a suggested feature. We'd love to hear from you.

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